Gold & PFM
100% Australian made
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Ret dolore magna aliqua enut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exer. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolor.

At Gold and Ceramics we have been using silver plated dies for well over 40 years. Their accuracy and resistance to damage from chipping and wear helps to create a restoration with excellent fit.
Our silver plated dies are one of the only model systems that allow a master pick up impression to combine the dies from several separate impressions. Duralay transfer copings are made from individual dies and after being seated in the mouth are picked up with a medium body impression material. The original dies are seated in the copings and the area around the dies filled with silicone. After the model is poured in die stone and the silicone mask removed you have the completed model.
All fits are checked against Die Stone blocks to ensure quality of marginal fit. Dies are trimmed under magnification and all margin waxing and finishing in both metal and porcelain is also completed the same way.
All alloys used at Gold and Ceramics Dental Lab are certified Bio Compatible. Certificates can be provided if required.
As one of the first laboratories in Australia to purchase a Bego Nautilus, this casting machine has become a central component of our metal processing throughout the Lab. All castings, from the smallest gold inlay to a full chrome palate can be cast predictably, with no degradation of the metal. This is due to the alloy being melted by a computer controlled high frequency system, while being protected from oxidization by a special Nitrogen and Hydrogen covering gas.